NOTA BENE calendars
Every year Slovak street paper NOTA BENE produces a calendar thematically related to street paper sellers. The sales of the calendar aim to help vendors in tough winter months. Half of the profit for each sold calendar goes directly to the vendor.
The 2020 calendar was a collection of street paper vendors’ guides around their cities, the 2021 calendar was about vendors’ favourite books and movie characters.
The calendar 2022 (see below) tells stories of the vendors who finally got their independent living spaces, but also about those who leaves at dormitories and only dreams about ability to rent their own space. It is also about everything that home is and everything that homeless people miss besides warmth and safety.
Three years ago vendors Monica and Stefan used to live in a tent under the bridge. There they met their cat Labko - it was the love at the first sight. Last year they finally got their own space through state supported social program.
Renata loves all the kinds of animals and is dreaming of working in a zoo. If she could rent her own flat she would have birds. For now she leaves in a dormitory where pets are not allowed.
Olga and Milan know what it means to live on the street. Now when they managed to get back to renting their own apartment Milan returned to his old hobby - fishkeeping.
Dogs Beny and Tara are Joshua’s best friends. “Nobody gives me as much love and hope as they do” - he says. After years of living in inhuman conditions three of them finally found home in a city apartment. Joshua’s hobby is theatre, you can see him act in “Divadlo bez domova”.
When Rasto was a kid he used to have cats, now as he leaves at a dormitory he can’t have pets. Nevertherless he made friends with a pigeon who lives next to the spot where Rasto sells magazines.
Silvia a Ondrej are together for 23 years, after losing their house due to fraud they lived in a very poor conditions. Now they are back to they own rented apartment. They enjoy having coffee on their balcony while listening to a music or enjoying a good book in a company of their dog Falco.
Jela writes books and acst in the theatre “Divadlo bez domova”. She lives in a little (temporary) cabin in the garden full of fruit trees she planted herself. Her cat Dante is from the cat shelter and it took her some time to earn his trust, now they are the best friends.
Ajka is a dog and she weights 3 kilos more than Ernest. She is also always hungry. She eats everything from watermelons to onions, so he Ernest keeps her away from kitchen at all times. Together they share a job to look after the building sight at night while during the day Ernest sells magazines.
Anka and her dog Nelka are together for 12 years. Anka is a cook by occupation and always happy to welcome a friend with her delicious sweet cakes.
Dusko takes his auntie’s dog Tinka for walks every day before going to sell magazines. Tinka loves Dusko and jumps up to welcome him and give him a “kiss” when he comes for her.
Tibor and his dog Nella were both born in November. Tibor found Nella in a trash bin when she was just a little pup. They are together ever since.
Petra and Dixi live in a dormitory, which allows having pets only as an exception. She has to pay extra rent for keeping him too, but the joy that Dixi brings her is worth it.