Get better at being your own agent this fall.

Structured approach to building a creative career as an independent artist & illustrator.


October 2024


There's no a single formula for pricing your creative work, smart pricing is a result of trials, errors, adjustments and learning through experience.

We will talk about value of your work, understand what copyright is and how it connects to getting paid a licence for the use of your work on top of your hourly rate. By the end you will be able to come up with a pricing strategy that would suit particularly you at a point of a career you are at now (yes, your pricing strategy should change over time!)

February 2025


Portfolio is a job that is never done as long as you keep working as a creative professional.

We will talk about creating a compelling illustration portfolio, getting first clients in a new field and slowly growing, all while bearing the bigger picture in mind. We will cover choosing works for the portfolio, different types and formats of portfolio. Portfolios for different purposes. + Portfolio review

November 2024


A contract can bring you money or stripe you off your artist's rights. No company is evil on purpose, but usually the contracts they use by default are made to look out (only) for themselves. Good news - you can always ask for a change!

We will read existing client’s contracts and learn how to ask for changes, talk about cases when simple email agreement is sufficient and what it should include.

All examples provided during course are excerpts from real contracts and real projects.

March 2025


Getting hired - are you getting hired for your work, for your attitude, reliability, uniqueness?

We will read existing client’s contracts and learn how to ask for changes, talk about cases when simple email agreement is sufficient and what it should include.

All examples provided during course are excerpts from real contracts and real projects.

January 2024


Communication is a queen of each project, it can save you time, nerves and money. But it also can ruin reputation or break a previously working relationship.

This block is all about setting clear boundaries and communicating them with your client and collaborators right from the start and all the way through your project.

We will talk about red and green flags, about avoiding potentially harmful collaborations and managing situations and conflicts that you can’t control while a keeping professional face on.

April 2025


What do you want to do? Where do your interests lie?

This block is all about setting clear boundaries and communicating them with your client and collaborators right from the start and all the way through your project.

We will talk about red and green flags, about avoiding potentially harmful collaborations and managing situations and conflicts that you can’t control while a keeping professional face on.


The whole course consists of 3 parts - modules, each dedicated to a particular topic. Each module consists of 2 online 90 minutes sessions:

Hands-on lecture

90 minutes - online (Google Meet)

No BS approach, no recycled information from online search, only practical information from personal experience and projects I’ve done between 2018-2024 while working as a independent illustrator.

All structured and ready to be applied to your personal practice.

Q&A discussion

90 minutes - online (Google Meet)

You, participant of this course, have something very special to offer - your point of view, your experience and insight. This time we meet so we can gather our communal knowledge and learn from each other.

Given time after a lecture to process information and gather questions we meet again to follow up, discuss and share advice and the insight.

Course materials

You will get access to all the course materials and exercises in digital format.


Jul 10-Aug 10

Early bird

One module(2 sessions):


Course (3 modules, 6 sessions):


Aug 10-Sept 10


One module(2 sessions):


Course (3 modules, 6 sessions):


Special offer

Creative Coffee Pas

If you have been a Creative Coffee & Chat Member for at least 6 consecutive months in the last year you are eligible for 10% off to regular or early bird admission!

We appreciate your loyalty and support!


Want to be the part of Being your agent semester this fall?

Fill in the form below and I will let you know when the sales are starting!